How Do I?


Frequently Asked Questions Logo

Pencil icon used as a bulletpoint for an item list Inquire about a public records request

Click Here: Public Records Request Form or call City Clerk at (727) 391-0204 x109

Pencil icon uses as bulleted item point Find out about employment opportunities

Click here: Seminole Career Opportunities or e-mail to Human Resources at

Pencil icon How to become a firefighter?

To be employed as a Firefighter in the State of Florida, as required by State Statute, an individual must successfully complete the Firefighter Minimum Standards Course, pass a State of Florida written and practical examination, and submit an Application for Firefighter Certification with the State of Florida. If an individual has received an equivalent amount of training in another state (or country), they may submit a request to validate their training and “challenge” the state written and practical examinations.

The Firefighter Minimum Standards Course is offered at twenty-seven Certified Training Centers located throughout the state. The course consists of a minimum of 360-hours of training. The first 160-hours are equivalent to NFPA Firefighter I. The following 200-hours are equivalent to NFPA Firefighter II. Each training center has its own course and fee schedule. For further information and an Application for Certification as a Firefighter, please contact the training center of your choice.

Most employers also require applicants to also be Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT's) or Paramedics. The most recent rules require EMT-Basic programs to meet DOE standards and US DOT NSC. Programs consist of a minimum of 110 hours with not less than 20 hours of supervised clinical experience (at least ten of which is spent in a hospital emergency room). Also field experience is required aboard a permitted EMS vehicle resulting in patient transports. Paramedic programs consist of a minimum of 700 hours. Field experience must be done on a permitted ALS vehicle. There are currently over 70 state approved EMS training programs. These training programs offer a combination of EMT-Basic and paramedic curricula.

Pencil icon Other resources on how to become a firefighter

Pencil icon for bulleted item list Get a smoke detector installed

Call Public Education Office at (727) 393-8711 x138

Pencil icon used as a bulleted item Get a car seat checked or installed

Note:We no longer do inspections/installs, please refer to Safe Kids link -

Pencil bullet point Sign up for CPR class

Call Public Education Office at (727) 393-8711 x138

Pencil icon Schedule a fire inspection or fire plan review

Call the inspection hotline at (727) 393-8711 x213

Pencil icon Get a copy of a fire report

Send e-mail to City Clerk:

Pencil icon Get a copy of an EMS report

Send e-mail to Assistant Fire Chief Administration/EMS:, or call at (727) 393-8711 x207

Pencil icon What is the County Burn ordinance?

Click Here:Pinellas County Open Burning Ordinance

Pencil icon How to schedule a tour of the fire station?

Call Public Education Officer at (727) 393-8711 x138