Burn Policy, Codes & Ordinances
Burn Policy
Permanent barbecues, portable barbecues, outdoor fireplaces, or grills shall not be used for the disposal of rubbish, trash or combustible waste material. See definitions below:
- Rubbish- Worthless, unwanted material that is rejected or thrown out; debris; litter.
- Trash- All kitchen and table food waste, animal or vegetative waste that is attendant or which result from the storage, packaging, preparation, cooking or handling of food materials.
- Combustible Waste Material – Treated Wood, Construction and Demolition Waste, and Yard Waste
- Recreational fires shall not be located within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material unless contained in an approved manner.
- Do not have the open burning under any low hanging trees or close to other vegetation.
- The fire shall be constantly attended by a competent adult until such fire is extinguished.
- The person attending the fire shall have a garden hose connected to the water supply or other fire-extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
- If for any reason the fire should become uncontrollable, get clear of the area and call 911.
However, the City of Seminole Fire Rescue does not have the authority to require or request open burning be extinguished if all requirements of the Florida Fire Prevention Code, 7th Edition are met, and the open burning is only considered a nuisance to neighboring occupancies. Open burning that is only considered a nuisance falls under the jurisdiction of Pinellas County Air Quality (727) 464-4422. Please refer to the County Ordinance 58, Article V for further information.
Pinellas County Ordinances
Pinellas County Code of Ordinances – Open Burning link:
Florida Fire Danger Maps & Fire Danger Index Report
Click on the link below to see information regarding Florida Fire Danger by County.
Florida Fire Prevention Code
Florida Fire Prevention Code is adopted by the State Fire Marshal at three year
intervals as required by Chapter 633.202, of the Florida Statutes. This complex
set of fire code provisions are enforced by the local fire official within each
county, municipality, and special fire district in the state. This includes the
Seminole Fire District.
The Florida Fire Prevention Code, 7th edition, is comprised of NFPA 1, Fire Code, 2018 edition and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2018 edition