


Summer Camp


Monday, June 2nd - Friday, August 8th (10 Weeks)

Camp hours are 7:00am - 6:00pm

Resident Registration Begins Wednesday, March 12th

Non-Resident Lottery - Tuesday, March 25th

Non-Resident Lottery paperwork will be accepted March 12th - 22nd

50% of Camp Fees due at the time of Registration

Final Payment Due Saturday, May 17th

Registration Freeze - March 23rd - March 29th


Kidventures: Completed Grades K-5th

Cost is $90 Residents

$100 Non-Residents PER WEEK


*Teen eXtreme: Completed Grades 6th and 7th

Cost is $100 Residents

$125 Non-Residents PER WEEK


Pre-Camp Day: Friday, May 30th

Cost is $18 Residents / $20 Non-Residents


Annual Recreation Membership Required
Must enroll a minimum of 4 weeks


*Teen eXtreme Program is dependent on staffing and availability